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선택 | Cat.No. | 제품명 | 가격(VAT별도) | 수량 |
□ 특징
● Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)에 최적
● SMARTer Next Generation Sequencing kit에 최적인 PCR 효소
□ 제품설명
SeqAmp™ DNAPolymerase는 Next Generation Sequencing을 위한 Clontech SMARTer 시리즈 제품에 최적인 Hot-start Highfidelity PCR 효소이다.본 제품은GC-rich, AT-rich template에서도 높은 PCR 증폭 효율을 보인다.
그림 1. cDNAlibraries produced using the SMARTer®Stranded RNA-Seq Kit show comparable yields and purity irrespective ofinput RNA concentrations. Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer gel-like image using a HighSensitivity DNA chip with cDNA libraries produced from between 100 ng-100 pghuman brain polyA+ RNA with the number of PCR cycles indicated. cDNAlibraries were produced by amplification with SeqAmp™ DNAPolymerase (included in the SMARTer® Stranded RNA-Seq Kit).
□ Applications
High fidelity PCR enzyme sold as part of several SMARTer kits for next-generation sequencing, used to amplify purified first-strand cDNA into RNA-seq libraries.
□ 구성품
- SeqAmp™ DNA Polymerase- 2X SeqAmp™ PCR Buffer