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선택 | Cat.No. | 제품명 | 가격(VAT별도) | 수량 |
SMARTer StrandedTotal RNA Sample Prep Kit - HI Mammalian
● 100ng - 1ug의 mammalian TotalRNA로부터 Illumina용 sequencinglibrary를 빠른 시간 내에 제작할 수 있다. 본 제품은 Total RNA의 90%를 이루는 ribosomal RNA (rRNA)를 제거를 위한 RiboGone (Code 634846)과 SMARTer 기술이 적용되어있어 Total RNA로부터약 5시간만에 rRNA depletion과 strand-specific library를 제작할 수 있다.
● 일반적인 양 (High-input, >100 ng)을 가진 RNA로부터 5시간만에Illuminaspecific, indexed RNA Seq library를 제작하는 제품으로, 12개의 Reverse primer와 8개의 Forward primer를 포함하고 있어 총 96개의 indexed library를 제작 가능하다. 미량의 샘플(Low input, 100 pg- 100 ng)의 total RNA 샘플을 이용하는 경우, SMARTerStranded Total RNA Sample Prep Kit - Low Input Mammalian (Code 634861)을 권장한다.
□ 특징
● Strand information - Identify each transcript’s strand of origin with >99% accuracy.
● Fast, streamlined protocol - Go from start to finish in ~5 hours.
● Large input size - Use 100 ng?1 μg total RNA from human, mouse, or rat.
● Versatility - Get reliable data across replicates and RNA quality. Seehigh - quality, reproducible data from total RNA with a RIN (RNA IntegrityNumber) from 3-10.
● Integrated with Illuminasequencing - Generate Illumina - specificlibraries with up to 96 indexes, and retain strand information.
그림1. Flowchart of SMARTer Stranded Total RNA Sample Prep Kit - HI Mammalianlibrary generation. SectionA. Depletion of rRNA from total RNA samples with RiboGonetechnology. Section B. First-strand cDNAsynthesis with SMART technology, incorporating Illumina Read Primers 1 and 2. SectionC. Template switching and generation of sequencing librarieswith Illumina cluster-generating sequences and indexes by PCR amplification.
표 1.High-quality libraries across varying levels of RNA quality. Libraries were generated from Mouse Liver RNA by chemicallyshearing until it had a RIN of 3 or 7. Sequencing data showed the percentage ofreads that mapped to rRNA,exonic regions, intronic regions, intergenicregions, and the correct strand, as defined by Picard analysis.
표 2.Sequence Alignment Metrics. 400 ng of HURR and HBRRwith ERCC Spike-In RNA were treated with this kit.Alignment data is displayedfor both libraries, with the percentage of reads that mapped to rRNA, exonicregions, intronic regions, intergenic regions, and the correct strand, asdefined by Picard analysis.
□ 적용
● Illumina-specific NGSlibrary generation that retains strand information
● RNA-Seq on Illuminaplatforms for mammalian samples
● Coding and non-codingtranscript information
□ 구성품
- SMARTerStranded Total RNA Sample Prep Kit - HI Mammalian Components - IndexingPrimer Set HT for Illumina - 12 -SeqAmp DNA Polymerase