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선택 | Cat.No. | 제품명 | 가격(VAT별도) | 수량 |
□ 특징
● Reduce ambiguity: highlyreproducible CNV and aneuploidy detection
● Reduce workflow: from a singlecell to a sequencing-ready library in three steps
● Reduce cost: a single kitcontains everything needed to prepare a sequencing-ready library
● Reducecontamination and error: library prep in a single tube or well, no transfersnecessary
● Reduce time toresults: Illumina NGS libraries prepared in less than 3 hours
□ 제품설명
기존의 PicoPLEX®technology는 single cell을 이용하여array 분석시 copy number variation(CNV)을 검출하기 위하여 적용되어왔으며 (PicoPLEX® WGA Kit), 현재PicoPLEX® DNA-Seq Kit을 이용하면 single tube reaction으로 Illumina NGS platform에 적용할 수 있는 library를 만들 수 있다. PicoPLEX®technology를바탕으로 하는 PicoPLEX® WGA Kit(Code RB3050)는 전세계적으로 invitro fertilization(IVF,체외수정)시 pre-implantationgenetic screening과 diagnosis를 위하여 사용되고있다. PicoPLEX® WGA Kit과 동일한 기술을 사용하는 PicoPLEX® DNA-Seq Kit은 single tube reaction(에러 및 오염 최소화, 반응시간 감소, 비용 감소)을통해 NGS library preparation 과정을 최대한 간소화시켰다. PicoPLEX® DNA-Seq Kit은 48회반응분이며, 48개의 single cell 혹은 추출한 DNA(6 pg to 60 pg)를 NGS library로 제작할 수 있는 모든 시약이 포함되어 있다(dualbarcode포함). Barcoding oligonucleotide는 microwell plate에 분주된 형태로 제공된다.
□ 보관
Store at -20 °C.Guarantee for 12 months at -20°C in a constanttemperature freezer.
□ 내용 : 48 회분
ComponentName | Cap Color |
Cell Extraction Buffer | Green |
Extraction Enzyme Dilution Buffer | Violet |
Cell Extraction Enzyme | Yellow |
Pre-Amp Buffer | Red |
Pre-Amp Enzyme | White |
Amplification Buffer | Orange |
Amplification Enzyme | Blue |
Nuclease-Free Water | Clear |
Dual Index Plate |
[그림1] PicoPLEX® DNA-Seq Kit 기술의 원리PicoPLEXDNA-seq Kit uses the same technology as the WGA kit: cells are lysed,quasi-random primers pre-amplify the DNA selectively,and a final PCRamplification adds the Illumina barcodes.
[그림2] PicoPLEX® DNA-seq Kit Single-Tube Workflow
[그림3] PicoPLEX® DNA-seq Kit Library Preparation Workflow for IlluminaNGS Platforms
[그림 4]Individual Library Quantification Eliminated Flow-sortedunsynchronized H929 cells were amplified, pooled with constant volume, andloaded onto a MiSeq v3 flow cell. Quantification of the libraries wasunnecessary before pooling due to the highly reproducible amount of productproduced by PicoPLEX®DNA-Seq reactions. The columns which provided noreads were wells in which the cell was absent.
[그림 5] Highly Reproducible CNV Detection Over the Entire Genome Amplified libraries from 11 individual flow-sorted H929 cells were sequenced on an Illumina MiSeq® and downsampled to 250,000 total reads. Thirty-five base single-end reads were mapped to human over the entire genome.