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선택 | Cat.No. | 제품명 | 가격(VAT별도) | 수량 |
□ 특징
● Double-stranded DNA를 Illumina platform 분석용 sequencing-ready library로 제작
● Low input sample 적용: 약 50 pg의 dsDNA
● Single-tube, three-step protocol eliminates intermediate purification steps and takes just 2 hours
□ 제품설명
Low Input Library Prep Kits는 미량의 DNA로부터 매우 민감하고 빠르며 단순하게 Illumina NGS 기기분석용 Multiplex library를 제작할 수 있는 제품이다. 본 제품은 Clontech의 NGS 분석제품인 SMARTerUniversal Low Input RNA Kit for Sequencing (Code 634938), SMART-Seqv4 Ultra Low Input RNA Kit for Sequencing (Code 634888) 외, 다양한 SMARTer 시리즈에 최적인 제품이다.
● The Low Input Library Prep Kit (Cat. # 634947) produces libraries from dsDNA with up to 12 Illumina-compatible indexes.(This kit will be unavailable after 2015.)
● The Low Input Library Prep Kit v2 (Cat. # 634899) produces Illumina-compatible libraries from a low amount of dsDNA. The kit comes with 12 indexing reagents pre-dispensed into tubes containing 8-nucleotide Sanger indexes that share the same sequences in the first 6 bases as the Illumina TruSeq LT indexes AS001 through AD012.
● The Low Input Library Prep Kit HT (Cat. # 634900) has higher multiplexing capability and an optimized protocol for converting up to 96 low-input samples of fragmented, double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) into a sequencing-ready library for Illumina platforms. It comes with 96 dual-read, Illumina-compatible indexes pre-dispensed and sealed in microplates. The indexing reagentis a unique combination of Illumina"s 8-nucleotide TruSeq HT i5 and i7 index sequences
그림 1. The Low Input Library Prep Kit workflow takes approximately 2 hours.
□ 적용
● Singleplex or multiplex next-generation sequencing on Illumina systems
● Single-read or paired-end sequencing
* Low Input Library Prep Kit v2 (제품코드 634899) / 종매 (종매일 : 2017.11.07)