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선택 | Cat.No. | 제품명 | 가격(VAT별도) | 수량 |
□ 제품 설명
본 제품은 siRNA 나 plasmid 도입 확인용 제품으로 각 control은 Cy3 나 fluorescein으로 labeling 되어 있다. in vitro and in vivo에 적용 가능하다.
Fluorophore | Excitation Wavelength (nm) | Emission Wavelength (nm) |
Cy3 | 549 | 570 |
Fluorescein | 495 | 518 |
□ Label IT RNAi Delivery Control 적용
The Label IT® RNAi Delivery Controls Allow Quick Assessment of DeliveryEfficiency For In Vitro Applications.Figure 1. HeLa cells were transfected inserum-containing media with (A) Label IT® Cy®3RNAi Delivery Control (red) using the TransIT-siQUEST® TransfectionReagent and (B) Label IT® Fluorescein RNAi Delivery Control(green) using the TransIT-TKO® Transfection Reagent.Twenty-four hours post-transfection, the cells were fixed, then counterstainedto locate the nuclei (blue) and the actin (green).Visualizationof the Label IT® Cy®3 RNAi Delivery Control inLiver Sections Following Tail Vein Injection.
□ Label IT Plasmid Delivery Control 적용
The Label IT® Cy®3 Plasmid Delivery Control Allows Quick Assessmentof Delivery Efficiency.
Visualizationof Label IT® Fluorescein Plasmid Delivery Control in LiverSections Following Tail Vein Injection.
□ 보존
제품별 상이 (매뉴얼 참조)