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선택 | Cat.No. | 제품명 | 가격(VAT별도) | 수량 |
□ 특징
● Cell lines were created by reprogramming human skin fibroblastsusing defective polycistronic retrovirus technology
to deliver Oct-4, SOX2,KLF4, and c-Myc
● Cell lines are extensively analyzed for purity and stem-cellcharacteristics, including recovery after thawing, absence
of mycoplasma andbacteria, expression of stem cell-specific markers (Oct-4, NANOG, SSEA-3,SSEA-4, TRA-1-60,
TRA-1-81), absence of differentiation markers (Beta-3tubulin, FOXA2, ASMA), and expected karyotype
● Optimized for culture with the Cellartis DEF-CS Culture System
● Suitable for all major applications; cells can form derivatives ofall three germ layers when differentiated
● Kits include the Cellartis DEF-CS 100 Culture System
※ 본 제품의 세포주는 인간의 피부 섬유아세포 (human skin fibroblasts)에서 유래하였습니다. 기증자의 정보와 핵형 (karyotype) 등의 자세한 정보는 제품 CoA를 참고하시기 바랍니다.
□ 제품설명
Cellartis Human iPS Cell Line Kit는 산업계의표준에 따라 보관 및 분석이 완료된 인간 유도만능줄기세포 (human induced pluripotentstem cell: hiPS)와 Cellartis DEF-CS Culture System이함께 제공된다.iPS세포주는 CellartisDEF-CS Culture System에 최적화 되어 있어 feeder-free, definedenvironment 조건에서 쉽게 배양할 수 있다. Cellartis DEF-CS Culture System으로 iPS 세포주 배양 시background differentiation이 거의 없는 미분화 상태를 유지할 수 있어, 별도의selection 과정을 필요로 하지 않는다. 이 제품은 안정적인 성장률을 보이는 iPS세포주와 탁월한 재현성을가진 Cellartis DEF-CS Culture System로 구성되어 세포의 대량생산에 매우 적합하다. 본 사에서는 다양한 기증자로부터 유래한 iPS 세포주를 제공하고있다. (하단 표 참고)
Code | Product Name | Reprogramming | Age | Race | Gender | Karyotype(from banked cells) | Confirmeddifferentiation | differentiatedcells |
Y00185 | Cellartis humaniPS cell line P11025 | episomal vectors | 33.4 | European/NorthAfrican | Male | 46, XY | Hepatocytes,Cardiomyocytes | |
Y00225 | Cellartishuman iPS cell line P11032 | episomalvectors | 38 | European/NorthAfrican | Female | 46,XX | Cardiomyocytes | |
Y00265 | Cellartishuman iPS cell line 4 (ChiPSC4) | lentiviralvectors | Newborn | Caucasian | Male | 46,XY | Hepatocytes,Beta cells, Cardiomyocytes | |
Y00275 | Cellartishuman iPS cell line 7 (ChiPSC7) | retroviralvectors | 20 | European/Northafrican | Female | 46,XX | Betacells, Cardiomyocytes | |
Y00285 | Cellartishuman iPS cell line 12 (ChiPSC12) | retroviralvectors | 24 | European/Northafrican | Male | 46,XY | Hepatocytes,Beta cells, Neural progenitors | CellartisEnhanced hiPS-HEP (from ChiPSC12) Kit |
Y00305 | Cellartishuman iPS cell line 18 (ChiPSC18) | retroviralvectors | 32.2 | European/Northafrican | Male | 46,XY | Hepatocytes,Beta cells, Neural progenitors | Cellartis Enhanced hiPS-HEP (from ChiPSC18) Kit |
Y00315 | Cellartishuman iPS cell line 21 (ChiPSC21) | retroviralvectors | 26 | European/Northafrican | Male | 46,XY | ||
Y00325 | Cellartis human iPS cell line 22 (ChiPSC22) | retroviral vectors | 32 | European/North african | Male | 46, XY | Cardiomyocytes, Hepatocytes, Neural progenitors | Cellartis Enhanced hiPS-HEP (from ChiPSC22) Kit |
Cellartis Cardiomyocytes (from ChiPSC22) Kit |
표 1. Cellartis Human iPS Cells 정보Characteristics of Cellartis human iPScells. The cell lines were generated from fibroblasts using defectivepolycistronicretrovirus technology to deliver Oct-4, Sox-2, KLF-4, and c-Myc.The skin fibroblasts were obtained from donors of varying age and gender, havea normal karyotype, and have been confirmed to differentiate into specific celllineages. Consent was obtained from all donors for commercial use.
□ 구성품
● Cellartis Human iPS Cell Lines (별도구매 불가) P11025, P11032, ChiPSC4, ChiPSC7, ChiPSC12, ChiPSC18, ChiPSC21, ChiPSC22
● Cellartis DEF-CS 100 Culture System (별도구매 불가)
DEF-CS Basal Medium | 100 ml | |
DEF-CS COAT-1 | 800 μl | - Plate coating |
DEF-CS GF-1DEF-CS GF-2DEF-CS GF-3 | 300 μl100 μl40 μl | Supplements |
CellartisDEF-CS 500 Culture System (500 ml)은 별도 구매가 가능합니다.