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当前位置: 首页 > 产品中心 > Primer_Probe > abfrontier/Cellartis DEF-CS 500无氙三维球体培养基,不含抗生素/Cellartis DEF-CS 500无氙三维球体培养基,不含抗生素,1试剂盒/Y30047
商品详细abfrontier/Cellartis DEF-CS 500无氙三维球体培养基,不含抗生素/Cellartis DEF-CS 500无氙三维球体培养基,不含抗生素,1试剂盒/Y30047
abfrontier/Cellartis DEF-CS 500无氙三维球体培养基,不含抗生素/Cellartis DEF-CS 500无氙三维球体培养基,不含抗生素,1试剂盒/Y30047
abfrontier/Cellartis DEF-CS 500无氙三维球体培养基,不含抗生素/Cellartis DEF-CS 500无氙三维球体培养基,不含抗生素,1试剂盒/Y30047
商品编号: Y30047
品牌: adipoGen
市场价: ¥0.00
美元价: 0.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: 引物与探针
公司分类: Primer_Probe
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com


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Y30047Cellartis DEF-CS 500 Xeno-Free 3D Spheroid Culture Medium, w/o antibiotics, 1 Kit로그인후 확인가능 합니다.


□ 특징

● 배양 용기면적에 의존하지 않는 3D spheroid culture에서 humaniPS/ES세포 배양 scale up에 유용

● 최적화된프로토콜과 배지 첨가제에 의한 뛰어난 확대 배양 효율 (800배 /11일)

● 3D분화유도 전 배양 프로토콜에도 최적

● 안정된 핵형과분화유도능 유지

● Xeno-free: 동물이나 인간 유래 성분 불포함

□ 제품설명

본 제품은 인간 유래 다능성 줄기 세포(human ES / iPS 세포)의 3D spheroid 배양용 배지로 동물이나 인간 유래 성분을포함하지 않는 chemically defined media이다. 배양용기면적에 의존하지 않고, 배양 스케일 업에 유용하다. 본 제품에서배양한 인간 유래 다능성 줄기 세포는 분화 유도 능력 및 핵형을 유지하고 있다.※ Basal Medium에는 GMPgrade 제품(Code Y30071)도있다.본 제품 이용 시 Cellartis® DEF-CS™ 500Xeno-Free 3D Spheroid Additives (Code Y30048)와 조합해서 사용하십시오.

□ 내용

CellartisDEF-CS 500 Xeno-Free 3D Spheroid Culture Medium w/o antibiotics (Code Y30047)

CellartisDEF-CS 500 Xeno-Free Basal Medium w/o Antibiotics

500 ml

CellartisDEF-CS 500 Xeno-Free 3D Spheroid additives

1 Set; 배지 첨가제 (CodeY30048)

- DEF-CS Xeno-Free 3D SpheroidAdditive 1 (1,000×)

500 ㎕

- DEF-CS Xeno-Free 3D SpheroidAdditive 2 (4,000×)

200 ㎕

- DEF-CS Xeno-Free 3D SpheroidAdditive 3 (500×)

400 ㎕

□ 보존

Cellartis DEF-CS 500 Xeno-Free Basal Medium w/o antibiotics : 4℃Cellartis DEF-CS 500 Xeno-Free 3D Spheroid additives:-15℃ 이하

□ Application data

그림 1. High-quality hiPS cell aggregatesgrown with Cellartis DEF-CS 500 Xeno-Free 3D Spheroid Culture Medium in stirredtank bioreactors (in perfusion mode). hiPS cell aggregates grown under 4% O2perfusion conditions were sequentially passaged three times by mechanicaldisruption (protocol adapted from Otsuji et al. 2014); cells were counted atpassage on days 4 and 7, and at the final time point on day 11, to determinethe expansion factor relative to the initial seeding number.

그림 2. High-quality hiPS cell aggregatesgrown with Cellartis DEF-CS 500 Xeno-Free 3D Spheroid Culture Medium in stirredtank bioreactors (in perfusion mode). hiPS cell aggregates were differentiatedinto definitive endoderm cells using a four-day protocol, then furtherdifferentiated into either lung progenitors (left), hepatospheres (middle), orbeta cells (right) via respective 11-15 daydifferentiation protocols. qPCRdata (not shown) indicated increases in FOXA2 and NKX2.1 expression in lungprogenitors; CYP3A4, AFP, and CYP1A in hepatospheres; and PDX1 and NKX6.1 inbeta cells.

그림 3. High-quality hiPS cell aggregatesgrown with Cellartis DEF-CS 500 Xeno-Free 3D Spheroid Culture Medium in stirredtank bioreactors (in perfusion mode). Representative images of aggregates atdays 1, 2, and 5 after seeding with 2.5 x 105 cells/ml. Viable cells werelabeled with fluorescein diacetate (green) and dead cells with propidium iodide(red).

그림 4. High-quality hiPS cell aggregateswere grown with Cellartis DEF-CS 500 Xeno-Free 3D Spheroid Culture Medium instirred tank bioreactors (in perfusion mode). After expansion of hiPS cells asaggregates, cells were harvested on day 4 and expression of OCT4, SSEA-4,TRA-1-60 (pluripotency markers) and SSEA-1 and SOX17 (differentiation markers)was analyzed by immunostaining.

페이지 맨 위로 가기
Abfrontier是Young In Frontier的开创性抗体品牌,是抗胰腺抗体技术的领先供应商。 Abfrontier最初的举措主要集中在活性氧(ROS)途径产品,但是Abfrontier正在进行的研发活动集中在Abfrontier的产品线上,扩展到神经科学,血清蛋白和特异性抗体进行翻译后修饰。 此外,Abfrontier已经生产了世界上第一批氧化特异性抗体系列,这表明了Abfrontier的创新和专业。Abfrontier还能提供一系列的服务,包括蛋白质组分析,DNA克隆,蛋白质纯化和抗体生产和纯化。自2004 年以来,为全球客户提供超过30,000种定制抗体--HuPO的主要抗体合作伙伴(Human Protein Atlas) 拥有4,000个动物笼的大型设施