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abfrontier/Capturem-His标记纯化Miniprep试剂盒/Capturem-His标记纯化Miniprep试剂盒,20 rxns/635710
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선택 | Cat.No. | 제품명 | 가격(VAT별도) | 수량 |
□ 특징
● No-waiting workflow - 실온에서 5분이면 His-tag 단백질 정제 가능
● High purity and yield - 1개의 column당 100ug, 농도 ~ 0.3 - 1 mg/ml의 정제 가능
● Wide range of conditions - Native and denaturing conditions; with common additives
(e.g., EDTA, DTT, βME, glycerol, TCEP, etc.)
● Lysis buffer compatibility - xTractor Buffer 등 다양한 Lysis buffer 사용 가능
● Different cell systems - Mammalian cell, bacterial cell 등 다양한 샘플 적용 가능
□ 제품설명
Next-generation membrane technology makes the His-TaggedPurification Miniprep Kit a revolutionary solution for recombinant proteinpurification, capable of outperforming conventional methods under a wide rangeof conditions. Where resin columns fall short, this new system provides highcapacity and purity in just five minutes, from loading sample applicationthrough elution. Novel nylon membranes have been assembled into spin columns,creating a no-waiting,room-temperature workflow compatible with both mammalianand bacterial cells. Exceptional performance is consistent undera wide rangeof research settings, including denaturing conditions, in the presence ofadditives (e.g., βME, EDTA, DTT, glycerol, TCEP, etc.; see table below), andwhen performing tandem purification of his-tagged proteins.
그림1. Protein purification miniprep workflow. Eachmini spin column can be loaded with up to 800 μl of lysate (yielded from 2?5 mlof culture). His-tagged protein is first bound to the membrane, followed bywashing with 300 μl wash buffer, and elution with 300 μl elution buffer. Over90% of the bound protein can be eluted with as little as 100 μl elution buffer.Each step is followed by spinning the tube for 1 min at 11,000 x g. The workingbed volume of the membrane is <2 μl. This entire purification is complete in<5 min.
그림2. Purification of GFPuv under native and denaturing conditions. Spin columns were loadedwith 800 μl of cell lysate, and all stepswere performed with appropriate buffers for native and denaturing conditions. 8M urea or 6 M guanidine were included in appropriate samples.
□ Reagents Compatible with His-Tagged Purification Miniprep Kits
Reagent | Compatibility* |
MOPS | 200 mM |
HEPES | 200 mM |
Tris | 200 mM |
EDTA | 10 mM |
Beta-mercaptoethanol | 30 mM |
DTT | 10 mM |
TCEP | 5 mM |
Guanidine-HCl | 6 M |
Urea | 8 M |
Nonionic detergent (Triton X-100) | 2% |
Nonionic detergent (Tween 20) | 2% |
Anionic detergent (SDS) | 1% |
Arginine | 500 mM |
Glycine | 100 mM |
Histidine | 20 mM |
Sodium chloride | 2 M |
Imidazole | 40 mM |
Glycerol | 10% |
□ 적용
● Biochemical/enzymatic assays
● Pull-down or other proteininteraction assays
● Confirmation screening
● Protein/ligand affinityanalysis
● Crystallography or otherstructural analyses
● Antibody production
● Toxicology studies
● Protein transfer to live cells
□ 구성품 (자세한 내용은 CoA를 참조하세요)
● 20 ea Mini SpinColumns
● 2 x 15 ml xTractorBuffer
● 10 ml WashBuffer
● 10 ml ElutionBuffer
Capturem™ His-tagged protein purification kit 시리즈 비교
Miniprep Kit | Maxiprep Kit | 96well plate | Large volume | |
Code | 635710 | 635713 | 635714 | 635724 |
형태 | Miniprep Column | Maxiprep column | 96 Nickel plate | Large volume unit |
Input sample | ~ 800 ㎕ | ~ 25 ㎖ | ~ 1,000 ㎕ | 150 ~ 500 ㎖ |
용량 | 20 회 | 6 회 | 96 well | 4 회 |
소요시간 | 5 분 | 15 분 | 15 분 | 15 ~ 30 분 |
정제농도 | 0.3 ~ 1 ㎎/㎖ | 1.6 ~ 4.5 ㎎/㎖ | 0.3 ~ 1 ㎎/㎖ | up to 2.0 ㎎/㎖ |
정제수율 | 0.1 ㎎/column | 25 ㎎/tube | 0.1 ㎎/well | 25 ㎎/unit |
Centrifuge 조건 | 11,000 x g, 1분 | 2,000 x g, 3분* | 2,000 x g, 3분* | X |
Vacuum 여부 | X | X | O | O |
Buffer 포함 여부 | O | O | X | X |
* Maxiprep Kit에는 50㎖ tube용, 96well plate에는 96well plate용 centrifuge가 필요합니다.