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선택 | Cat.No. | 제품명 | 가격(VAT별도) | 수량 |
□ 특징
● 강력하게 발현을 조절 할 수 있는 Tet-On 3G system을 기반으로 한 all-in-one vector형태
● 낮은 백그라운드와 높은 유도발현 효율
● 10 ng/ml의 doxycycline에도 반응하는 민감도
● Lenti-X Tet-One: 고역가의 렌티바이러스를 제작할 수 있는 패키징 시스템 포함 (Lenti-HTX Pakaging system)
● Retro-X Tet-One: 고역가의 레트로바이러스를 제작할 수 있는 패키징 시스템 포함 (Retro-X Universal Packaging System)
● AAVpro Tet-One: helper-free packaging system을 사용하며, AAV Particle 추출을 위한 추출 시약 등이 포함되어있다.
Tet-One System이 개발되기 전에는 Clontech의 Tet-on,Tet-off system은 response vector와 regulatory vector(doxycycline-responsivetransactivator protein)인 2개의 vector를 유전자 발현을 조절했다. Tet-One System은 하나의 벡터에 구성요소를 모두 포함하고 있다. Tet-On 3Gtransactivator는 human phosphoglycerate kinase 1 promoter를이용하여 정방향으로 발현되며, 반대 방향에는 PTRE3GS promoter를 이용하여 목적 유전자(Gene of interest)의 발현을 조절한다. 기존에 발표된 all-in-one vector system은 50~100배 정도의유도발현 효율을 보인다. 하지만 Clontech의 Tet-One system은 all-in-one vector 형태로 최대 2500배의 유도발현효율을 보인다.(Heinz et al, 2011).
그림.Tet-One System Mechanism - The Tet-On 3Gtransactivator protein is expressed constitutively from the human PGK promoter (PPGK)but is unable to bind to the TRE3G promoter (PTRE3G) in theabsence of doxycycline (Dox). When bound by Dox, supplied in the culturemedium, the transactivator undergoes a conformational change, binds to PTRE3Gand activates transcription of a transgene cloned downstream.
그림.Seven out of eight Tet-One clones show more than 1,000-fold induction ofexpression. HeLa cells were infected withLVX-TetOne-Puro-Luc lentivirus (M.O.I. = 1) and eight individual clones wereselected and expanded according to the protocol.Each clone was analyzed fordoxycycline-induced expression of luciferase. Seven of the eight clones demonstratedmore than 1,000-fold induced expression, including two clones with 5,000-foldinduction, and one clone with 10,000-fold induction.
그림.The Tet-One system is highly sensitive to low levels of doxycycline (Dox). HEK 293 cells were infected withLVX-TetOne-Luc lentivirus(M.O.I.=1) and the transduced pool was treated with 10-fold dilutions ofdoxycycline. 48 hr after treatment,the cells were harvested, lysed, andWestern-blotted using anti-luciferase antibody. Luciferase expression reachedmaximum levels in the presence of only 10 ng/ml Dox.