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abfrontier/PDELight HTS cAMP磷酸二酯酶检测试剂盒/PDELight HTS cAMP磷酸二酯酶检测试剂盒,500次检测/LT07-600


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선택 | Cat.No. | 제품명 | 가격(VAT별도) | 수량 |
□ 제품설명
The PDELight™ Assay Kit is a generic,homogeneous assay designed for use in high throughput screening ofphosphodiesterase activity.It uses the power of bioluminescent detection toprovide a simple alternative to existing phosphodiesterase assays with ageneric endpoint determination for use with all cAMP dependantphosphodiesterases. The AMP produced from phosphodiesterase hydrolysis of cAMPis quantified using a robust and highly sensitive luciferase-based luminescentreagent. The AMP is directly converted to ATP and quantified as light. Nearly aphoton of light is emitted for every molecule of ATP produced. The assay can easilybe optimized for each phophodiesterase to produce rapid, quality data suitablefor IC50 determinations of screen compounds. The signal is glow luminescencewith a half-life of greater than two hours, which is detected using aluminometer. The assay is extremely simple to use and can be run in severalprotocols to suit your needs.
□ 특징
● Simple, Homogeneous Assay - add reagentsdirectly to the completed PDE reaction and read
● Generic Platform - use the same assayfor all cAMP dependent phosphodisesterases. Eliminate antibodies,
radioactivebeads, or modified substrates.
● Non-radioactive - Non-hazardousreagents, no costly disposal costs
● Rapid Assay - Complete a 384-well platein less than 15 minutes
● Bioluminescent Sensitivity - Use smallamounts of enzyme in 96-, 384-, or 1536-well formats
● Reproducible, Robust Assay - Low falsepositive rates, typical Z´values > 0.7, and few artifacts result in good
clean hits
Figure 1. The emitted light is directly proportional to the level of AMP present in the reaction.
□ 보존
2°C - 8°C