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当前位置: 首页 > 产品中心 > peptide > abfrontier/(Legacy)智能超低输入RNA试剂盒-1세대, 2.세대/(초저온 제품)用于Illumina®测序的SMARTer®超低输入RNA-高压PTO:634831和639206 x 2/634936
商品详细abfrontier/(Legacy)智能超低输入RNA试剂盒-1세대, 2.세대/(초저온 제품)用于Illumina®测序的SMARTer®超低输入RNA-高压PTO:634831和639206 x 2/634936
abfrontier/(Legacy)智能超低输入RNA试剂盒-1세대, 2.세대/(초저온 제품)用于Illumina®测序的SMARTer®超低输入RNA-高压PTO:634831和639206 x 2/634936
abfrontier/(Legacy)智能超低输入RNA试剂盒-1세대, 2.세대/(초저온 제품)用于Illumina®测序的SMARTer®超低输入RNA-高压PTO:634831和639206 x 2/634936
商品编号: 634936
品牌: adipoGen
市场价: ¥0.00
美元价: 0.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: 多肽合成
公司分类: peptide
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com


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634936(초저온 제품)SMARTerUltraLowRNAkit Ill(100)로그인후 확인가능 합니다.
634826(초저온 제품)SMARTer® Ultra Low Input RNA for Illumina® Sequencing - HV PTO : 634827 & 639206로그인후 확인가능 합니다.
634828(초저온 제품)SMARTer® Ultra Low Input RNA for Illumina® Sequencing - HV PTO : 634831 & 639206 x 2로그인후 확인가능 합니다.


SMARTer Ultra Low RNA Kit for Illumina®Sequencing-HV은 매우 소량의 total RNA(10pg-10 ng)나 소량의세포(1-1000 cells)를 이용하여 곧바로 transcriptome분석(RNA-seq)에 이용할 수 있는 library를제작 할 수 있는 cDNA합성이 가능하다. 합성된 cDNA는 Nextera®DNA sample preparation kit (using our modified protocol) 또는 Clontechdml Low Input Library Prep Kit (Code 634947)를 이용하여 Illumina"s Genome Analyzer™, HiSeq®, 또는 MiSeq®instrument에 적용 할 수 있는 library를 제작 할 수 있다. SMARTerUltra Low RNA Kit for Illumina® Sequencing-HV은 oligo dT priming 방법을 이용하여 highquality RNA (RIN >8)intactcells을 이용한다. 기존의 SMARTerUltra Low RNA Kit for Illumina Sequencing(maximum input volume=1 μl) 에서 input volume이 1-9 ul로 modify된 프로토콜을 이용한다. 변형된 input volume은 희석된 샘플이나 large volume에들어있는 sorted cell을 이용할 때 유용하다.그림1. Overview of SMARTer Ultra Low RNA Kit sample preparation for Illumina sequencing

□ 특징

● Sample prep made easy -Use cells directly or total RNA.Single-tube protocol works directly on cells to preserve

sample integrity

● Unparalleled sensitivity - Start with as little as 1 cell or 10 pg of total RNA (input range: 1-1,000 cells or 10 pg

to 10 ng of total RNA)

● Integration with Illumina sequencing - Compatible with Illumina"s NGS platforms

● Excellent RNA-seq data - Whole transcriptome information with full length gene analysis, minimal 5" or 3" bias,

less than 2% rRNA reads, broadest coverage of exons, and ERCC correlation when compared to other


그림2. Electropherogramof amplified SMARTer cDNA. Various amounts of Universal Human ReferenceTotal RNA (UHR) and Human Brain Reference RNA were used as input for SMARTercDNA synthesis.The cDNA samples were then analyzed for purity and yield on anAgilent 2100 Bioanalyzer. Shown are Bioanalyzer trace overlays of cDNAamplified from 1 ng (red line), 0.1 ng (dark blue line), 0.05 ng (green line),and 0.01 ng (light blue line) of total RNA and a no template control (NTC; pinkline). The main peak indicates the purity and yield of cDNA between 0.4 and 9kb with the highest point at ~2 kb. There was no amplification in the negativecontrol (pink line). Although the amount of input RNA can vary over quite alarge range (e.g., 1 ng to 0.01 ng), comparable cDNA output can be obtained byadjusting the number of PCR cycles.그림 3. Gene expression data obtained from very low amounts of RNA correlate well with data obtained by qPCR. Scatter plots were used to compare differential expression data obtained by sequencing with the SMARTer Ultra Low RNA Kit (1 ng total RNA) and quantitative PCR (qPCR) data available for Universal Human Reference Total RNA (UHR) and Human Brain Reference RNA through the MicroArray Quality Control (MAQC) project. The differential expression of ~700 genes showed correlation values of 0.94, demonstrating that the sequencing results are consistent with orthogonal gene expression technologies.그림 4. Comparison of transcript coverage with different amounts of input RNA. Shown are overlaid plots comparing the average read coverage from libraries made with 1 ng to 0.01 ng of mouse brain total RNA. The x-axis represents gene length normalized to 100%, where 0 is the 5"-end of each transcript and 100 is the 3"-end. The y-axis indicates the average coverage for a set of 724 genes that are moderately to highly expressed in brain tissue. The results are very consistent through the range of input RNA used, with full-length coverage of the transcripts reflecting no systematic 5"- or 3"-bias.

□ 구성품

* SMARTer Ultra Low Input RNA for Illumina Sequencing Components - HV * Advantage 2 PCR Kit (Cat. No. 639207)

* SMARTer Ultra Low Input RNA for Illumina Sequencing-HV (제품코드 634826) 종매 - 종매일 : 2017.11.27

페이지 맨 위로 가기
Abfrontier是Young In Frontier的开创性抗体品牌,是抗胰腺抗体技术的领先供应商。 Abfrontier最初的举措主要集中在活性氧(ROS)途径产品,但是Abfrontier正在进行的研发活动集中在Abfrontier的产品线上,扩展到神经科学,血清蛋白和特异性抗体进行翻译后修饰。 此外,Abfrontier已经生产了世界上第一批氧化特异性抗体系列,这表明了Abfrontier的创新和专业。Abfrontier还能提供一系列的服务,包括蛋白质组分析,DNA克隆,蛋白质纯化和抗体生产和纯化。自2004 年以来,为全球客户提供超过30,000种定制抗体--HuPO的主要抗体合作伙伴(Human Protein Atlas) 拥有4,000个动物笼的大型设施