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선택 | Cat.No. | 제품명 | 가격(VAT별도) | 재고 | 재고 | 수량 |
□ 특징
● Results you can trust.ThruPLEX® Tag-seq technology provides up to 16million molecular tags to correct sequencing errors providing confident variantdetection.
● Discover more, costeffectively. Use with hybridization-based targetenrichment systems to examine hundreds of genes, including mutations andstructural variants, simultaneously.
● High quality libraries thefirst time, every time.Unparalleled ease of use reduces user error and contamination with oursingle-tube, 2-hour, 3-step workflow.
● Time-saving bioinformaticssolutions. Reach results quickly with cloud-basedsoftware from Curio Genomics or open-source scripts available for dataprocessing.
● Precious samples go further.Use less DNA to analyze samples once too low to detect. ThruPLEX® Tag-seq workswith input amounts from 1 ng to 50 ng of cfDNA or fragmented dsDNA toaccommodate a wide range of samples.
□ 제품설명
ThruPLEX® Tag-seq Kit은 moleculartag와 ThruPLEX chemistry를 결합시켜, 샘플 index가 부가된 IlluminaNGS library를 제작할 수 있는 제품이다. ThruPLEX® Tag-seq Kit의 Stem-Loop adaptor는 1600만 개의 unique molecular tag(UMT)을 포함하고있어서, PCR 증폭 전에각각의 DNA 단편에 UMT을 부가 할 수 있다. 그 결과, NGS 데이터 분석에서 위양성 비율을 감소시켜 보다 정확한 결과를 얻을 수 있다.
□ 보관
Store at -20 °C.Guarantee for 9 months at -20°C in a constant temperature freezer.
□ 내용
Component name | Cap Color | 6S Kit 6 Single Indexes | 48S Kit48 Single Indexes | 96D Kit96 Dual Indexes |
Code | | RB4584 | RB4585 | RB4586 |
용량 | | 12회 | 48회 | 96회 |
TemplatePreparation Buffer | Red | 1 Tube | 1 Tube | 2 Tubes |
TemplatePreparation Enzyme | Red | 1 Tube | 1 Tube | 2 Tubes |
LibrarySynthesis Buffer | Yellow | 1 Tube | 1 Tube | 2 Tubes |
LibrarySynthesis Enzyme | Yellow | 1 Tube | 1 Tube | 2 Tubes |
LibraryAmplification Buffer | Green | 1 Tube | 1 Tube | 2 Tubes |
LibraryAmplification Enzyme | Green | 1 Tube | 1 Tube | 2 Tubes |
Nuclease-FreeWater | Clear | 1 Tube | 1 Tube | 1 Tube |
IndexingReagents | Blue | 6 Tubes | 1 Single IndexPlate (48S) | 1 Dual IndexPlate (96D) |
※ ThruPLEX® Tag-seq Kit single Index 서열 * ThruPLEX Tag-seq 6S Kit (RB4584) * ThruPLEX Tag-seq 48S Kit (RB4585)[그림1] Single-Tube, Three step workflow helps your precious samples gofurther Startingwith 1 to 50 ng of DNA, ThruPLEX® Tag-seq Kit creates indexedlibraries in 3 simple steps: end repair, adapter ligation,and high-fidelitylibrary amplification. No purification or sample transfer steps are required.The streamlined workflow is performedin 2 hours in a single tube or well, preventingsample loss and enhancing positive sample identification. [그림 2] ThruPLEX® Technology generates high quality librariesthe first time, every timeThruPLEX® technologyis a 3-step reaction that starts with fragmented double-stranded DNA orcell-free DNA which is repaired in a highly efficient process. Background isreduced using double-stranded adaptors with no single-stranded tails. Blunt endligation occurs with high-efficiency. Blocked 5" ends reduce adapter-adapterligation.[그림 3] Reduce background forresults you can trust ThruPLEX® Tag-seqlibraries were prepared from 30 ng of the 1% Horizon cfDNA standard. FollowingAgilent SureSelect target enrichmentand sequencing to achieve ~10,000Xcoverage, data was analyzed with the Curio Genomics bioinformatics platform.Using the raw reads,the EGFR mutation (yellow dot) is obscured by backgrounderrors (left). The mutation is readily identified when UMTs are utilized in data processing to correct for errors (right).[그림 4] Dramatically increase the signal to noise ratio to discover moreData from either the 30 ngHorizon cfDNA library(A) or a ThruPLEX® Tag-seq library preparedfrom 10 ng Horizon cfDNA standard, enriched with a custom 240 KB panel(NimbleGen SeqCapEZ) and sequenced on a HiSeq 2500 to achieve ~5,000X coverage.Analysis was performed using the Curio Genomics bioinformatics platform.